Home Intricate, 18th Century Farmhouse Conversion

Intricate, 18th Century Farmhouse Conversion

I would like to take this opportunity to express my thoughts regarding our recent Loft Conversion that was carried out by Loft Living.

It is not in my nature to be flattering or flowery, however, I felt it only fair to convey this in writing (feel free to use it in any Marketing Material).

The property is an 1800’s Farmhouse with many original features and therefore needed some careful consideration and planning prior to embarking on a project of this size and nature. Both my wife and I spent many, many months planning for, and talking to Contractors until such a point came that we were comfortable with our choice. I will bullet point our experiences below:

  1. We found Loft Living to be helpful from the outset and prepared to answer some fairly in depth questions about financial standing, previous projects, work methods and materials and accuracy of time scales.
  2. We agreed early on a payment plan that we felt was fair to both parties whilst not exposing any party to significant risk.
  3. We insisted on everything being in writing and watertight prior to commencing the project and this included details such as planning issues, building regs, sign off procedure and other relevant details that could impact upon a future sale if we so wished.
  4. I felt that Loft Living had a professional and methodical approach to the project which instilled some early confidence.
  5. The Tradesmen that were engaged in the project were pleasant, trustworthy and polite.
  6. The work was carried out to a very acceptable standard and Loft Living were amenable to constructive criticism particularly in the latter parts of the project whilst engaged in various ‘snagging’ tasks.
  7. The project began on time and finished on time (unusual for the Building Trade). In short I have no hesitation in recommending Loft Living to anybody that is considering a Loft Conversion and would be willing to talk directly to interested parties as necessary.

Yours sincerely
Nathan Smith